Evidence that the Democrat controlled liberal media used a tragic shooting to further their own sick agenda

The first lie that came about what the liberal media stating and repeating the White House talking points memo that this was all Sarah Palin’s fault because Palin had published a map of the United States with rifle crosshairs on Gabby Giffords.

We all know that wasn’t true. We even know that the liberal media knew it wasn’t true. But they said it anyway in an attempt to use the death of innocent people are some kind of bloody pole with which to hit Sarah Palin and other conservative commentators.

Here is the map Palin published on her Facebook page:

No Crosshairs here

No Crosshairs here

Of course, Palin’s map does not contain crosshairs, and thats despite the liberal media’s attempt to change the map icons! (More on that later.)

These are crosshairs, or gun sights, as some rabid liberal media outlets claimed were on Palin’s map:


And of course, there were no crosshairs or gunsights on Palin’s map.

But what were those symbols? To answer that, I did a little research. Something you would think the media could have done, should have done, but didn’t. And come to find out, according to map legends provided by U.S. Geological Survey, the symbols are indeed regulation map symbols, used on every map created by the USGS.

Map symbols

And here:

Now really people, why must you insist on lying about that map when the truth would do you better? And why liberals, must you insist on using the murder of innocents to further your agenda?

It gets better. Not only do liberals use the murder of innocent people for their own political gain, they will even try and falsify information and edit Sarah Palin’s map to make it appear as if it had crosshairs on it. Epic fail BTW, and just more proof of how low you leftists will sink.


Daily Telegraph fakes Sarahs map

Daily Telegraph fakes Sarahs map

People died, people were seriously injured and the best the left and the liberal media can do is use that tragedy to try and blame Sarah Palin for it.

No wonder the dinosaur media is on it’s way out.

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